Is This Soldiers Norse Belief System a White Supremacist orientation? Several pagan men have faced discrimination or have been told to change shave due to changing company laws. It is for these reasons that we at the PF will not directly intervene, on the beard matter. The move came as a result of the Army authorizing beards for religious soldiers in January 2017 as part of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a move specifically enacted for Sikh soldiers but applied to all religions,Army Times reported. donate to support the educational work that we do, No. This is just as much an argument that all Heathens should be slender with yellow hair as it is that they should wear beards. So, as a Norse Heathen, I find this whole thing upsetting. Still has one ;) ifthere are Specific Jobs that one Can not wear a Beard. She asks, is it the beardless carle?, Why doesn't he make them cart dung over his beard that he may be like other men? If you like how vitamins make you feel, great. forgot has Long been a Problem.. Who'd of thought the French were tougher than Vikings? We have advice like Proverbs. But if you want to murder someone based on your religious beliefs, go find another country that will uphold that for you cuz our American Constitution doesn't uphold that. I have a question about Norse-Pagan and Beards. clean shaven and short hair cuts are the name of the game . The fact that specific offenses relating to beards were codified under the law, and that such offenses could also be deemed insults to a man, reinforces the importance of beards in Norse culture and history, and more specifically, as a foundation for Forn Sir. The poems written about the Gods were written downby people who also never claimed to have seen them. I, as a Trans Soldier, 100% agree with you. Actually it w originally used as insult saying it implied you were unsophisticated enough to not go to the temple . Neither of the two largest inclusive Heathen organisations in the UK, namely Heathenry UK and Asatru UK recognise any religious requirement for Heathen men to wear a beard. It is not an insult. If you were to apply these laws to Heathens, they would for example be able to avoid punishment for murder by paying werguild. He is also slender, fair to look on and has yellow hair. There is no mention of any Heathen practice in the document. Sgt. So my question is, how important is it to have a beard and not shave it within this religion? 1st Class Benjamin Hopper is the first guard soldier to receive a religious accommodation approval for a beard. I was impressed at how they were very accepting of not only dress and hairstyle but allowed people days off to observe faith-based holidays. The U.S. Army granted a religious accommodation to a soldier for his "Heathen; Norse Pagan faith" to be able to grow a beard. As with the sir perspective, a beard is again always associated with masculinity as well as the value that form the foundation of Forn Sir. Why not? All rights reserved. If I am shaved, then my strength will leave me and I will become weak and be like any other man.. Likewise, hair is part of Gods creation to Sikhs, and is therefore sacred. It seems he and you are attending different denominations of the Norse Heathen religion. Proudly keeping the military connected since 1988. Maybe you're lonely. Erik desires to be a Viking when he grows up and has worked in Outdoor Adventure leading hikes and rafting trips. Let's look at the texts. there are a lot of reasons for that. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. The Army last year granted its first beard authorization to a Norse pagan soldier. While his beard blushed red for shame? Has a beard, no religious relevance. 1st Class Benjamin Hopper a member of the Nevada National Guard, religious accommodation to Army Regulation 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms. Other sagas still make various references to the importance of beards for a Normar. ;). This is because the Norse gods are seen as our ancestors, they are ideals we strive to achieve, they are ourselves, they are us. Its just hair. I've seen some beards that should be condemned as a hazard to health. The army's recent decision to lighten up on religious beards, turbans and hijabs is suiting one unknown Norse pagan soldier just fine. Hathen: "an unconverted member of a people or nation who does not acknowledge the God of the Bible" therefore neither christians, muslims, nor jews are not heathens. This is because they believe him to be perfect, and so attempting to emulate him is a quest for perfection. "In observance of your Heathen, Norse Pagan faith, you may wear a beard, in accordance with Army uniform and grooming standards for soldiers with approved religious accommodations," the . free resources on rituals in Norse Paganism and Heathenry. Or to quote Lord Summerisle, referring to himself, "A heathen, conceivably, but not, I hope, an unenlightened one.". However, some laws are unconstitutional and have remained on challenged. In fact, we do not pray or worship per say the sir, synjur, Vanir, Jtnar, Arir, Kindir, or Kynja. The importance of beards as a defining feature of Normenn is also very well expressed in medieval Norse laws, including Guta Lag (The Law of the Gotlanders). On all accounts, we are growing in numbers. Trading activities are carried out by Pagan Federation, a not for profit company limited by guarantee and registered in England number 04056879 There is no religious requirement for beards in Heathenry, the post read. Your guess is as good as mine. Looking to celebrate pagan holidays? Beards are not seen universally as asymbol of our religion. Says Hallgerda "and so we will call you always from this day forth, but your father we will call "the beardless carle., I think that thy father the beardless carle must have given it.. Not Surprisingly They had NO Problems with outsiders.. ;). Being known as an oath breaker is possibly the greatest insult to someone who holds Heathen values. And it gives us even less of a window into its religious importance, or whether it had sacred importance at all. Throughout this extensive text, in fact the longest and most developed Icelandic saga, countless references are made to not only associate beards with masculinity and virtue, but also to greatly insult and disparage any man who does not sport a beard: Chapter 35There's not much to choose though between you two. Takes very little time to rub soap on ur head and face than trying o shampoo and comb hair if your bald . We have faith that our Gods return "a gift for a gift" and that if we sacrifice to Them, They will return with a gift to us. Moreover, it is our view that focusing on this issue not only detracts from far more important issues, but also makes Pagans appear foolish and uneducated in our own religious beliefs in the eyes of wider society. Lokialso happens to be the only Norse god without a beard. I ca'nt see how men look better clean shaven. In our country I dont believe that religious freedom was ever meant to infringe upon other individuals, and I base this upon what the Declaration of Independence says. Incidentally the Christian God, whose followers do believe to be perfect, is also generally believed to be bearded, particularly when he takes on human form as Jesus. Employees should be prepared to provide this information if requested. Many misinformed groups argue that Heathens should be allowed exemptions from dress-code rules and uniform regulations with regards to facial hair on religious grounds. They say that it could make customers and clients feel uncomfortable, or like they're not being taken seriously. Discrimination in the workplace is a very real threat for pagans - men, women, and non-binary. Many religious groups require men to grow a beard, including Muslims and Orthodox Jews. When I was in the Marines in the late 1960's, black Marines were allowed "Afros" while the rest of us had crew cuts with white sidewalls. Likewise, they would not be able to worship the old Gods, as these laws specifically forbid it. It's not a faith. These are individual cases where a unit commander has been convinced that a Heathen should be allowed a beard, probably due to a lack of understanding of the lore, and a desire not to be seen to discriminate. The word myth has been used out of context for so long that it's definition seems to mean untrue, comic NOT SO. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. I don't worry about appearance details for any reason. It's also time for us to move forward and spend more time focused on our own relationship with God (or not), instead of worrying and persecuting others for what they believe, or don't. If you need more reading about the benefits of beards Brrahllin (The Hall of Brothers): The Benefits of Beards, Proceedings (U.S. It is not an official policy of the US military. I guess the majority of military brass prefer looking at soldiers with pretty faces, for some strange reason. Some Racist; Supposedly Norse Group; Made Open threats To Appear and Disrupt the Fest if she was not replaced with one of "Pure Blood" The Police Chief Responded with All are Welcome to our Town and Fest; But if Yo come toDisrupt with Acts of Violence KNOW THIS: There are Limited Exits Off our peninsula! Maybe they're hoping to make soldiers look like sailors. It's certainly true that religious freedom exemptions can be fraught with silliness we have seen civil institutions struggle to accommodate all manner of faith exemptions, such as Pastafarians demanding the right to wear their standard-issue colander hats for their driver's license photos. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Any resemblance to news may be purely coincidental. But Thorvald, thy husband was not beardless and yet thou plottedst his death No mention of any spiritual connotation of beards. American soldiers and Peace Officers didn't even adopt the custom until around the American Revolution, if not after. Are Norse Pagans Required to Grow a Beard? This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. As a community, we need to continue to support the right for pagans to receive religious accommodations so they can practice their faith and have free access to good jobs. Most blacks stuck with the crew cut and white sidewall because it was more traditional. The beard is the one characteristic of those who otherwise follow Forn Sir (Old Ways). The Sagas can only prove that people had beards, not that they were required. And at least two airmen who follow the Norse Heathen, or pagan, faiths have been granted permission to wear a beard. This is not the case in Paganism. The idea that the Old Norse had large and wild beards was invented for stages and in national anthems about 150 years ago. Theres not much to choose though between you two. How do we then deny anyone claiming their God or gods told them to do anything? There's no shortage of people out there who are going to look to exploit someone's insecurities. This phrase is frequently cherry-picked to show the necessity of beards. In 1699, Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Sikh spiritual leader, is supposed to have said My Sikh shall not use the razor. Maj. John Troxell, the senior enlisted adviser to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently insisted beards remain both a distraction and a "gimmick.". An observant Norse Pagan, Hopper has been allowed to wear a great, big, bushy beard under a religious accommodation to Army Regulation 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms - which is not . This points yet again to the prevalence of beards in Norse culture. Odin is blood sworn to Loki, and stated that he will not drink unless one is offered to Loki as well. Your neighbors of numerous cultures, your countless masses who came here for a real shot at life, all Americans like you. And Yet! And all you need to do is reach out and ask. The Law of the Gotlanders was written at the earliest in 1220 CE, which was after the conversion of Gotland. Prithee why should dung beard boys reft of reason, dare to hammer. These people have beards, they just have dung in them, no religious relevance. Njall was beardless, in fact, in the story. Thou hast hangnails on every finger and Njal is beardless. Simply a physical description of 2 people, one has a beard, one does not, but there is no implication that this makes one more spiritual than the other. It is simply too bad that in the 70's the Air force believed in only three religions and enforced their beliefs upon everyone. The first blt (the rituals of satr are called blt) was held on Jnsmessa, Midsummer Night. The fact that he is beardless is an easy way to identify someone in an era where most people had beards, but it doesnt imply any religious requirement to do so. Odin is the one-eyed God, the father figure. In Whitsels case his attorney Ashlie Case Sletvold, stated, America was founded on the principle of religious freedom. Ultimately, the kinds of content that makes you feel like crap is designed to get you to want to buy something to make you stop feeling like crap. I believe that Athena would smile upon this decision. Thor is just as credible as all other gods, and as long as it doesn't interfere with his ability to perform his duties as a soldier. The Nevada Army Guard's first religious accommodation waiver granted a Norse Pagan soldier permission to grow a beard. This is a question that many religious people have been asking themselves lately. No. Further blurring the beard waiver criteria is that while Norse paganism encourages the growth of a beard, or "skegg," the religion doesn't require it. "Heathen" simply means a person who does not conform to christian norms in some way. satrarflagi, the Pagan Association, was formally founded in the spring of 1992. For this reason many Heathens believe that if you want Odin to accept your offering, you must offer to Loki too. Our military needs to be wary of all forms of mental illness. Sikhs are allowed to wear beards and turbans because it actually is a religious requirement of their faith that they do so. sued the state in federal court, saying that his religious right to grow a beard had been violated. Now What I might have issue with..?. In the past, it was commonplace for religious individuals to wear beards as part of their religious attire. Whenever you hear or read stuff like this, ask yourself what the motivation is for the people writing it. Many Pagans today have beards, but this is a cultural rather than a religious phenomenon in exactly the same way it was in 10th century Europe. If you feel like you have been discriminated against because of your religious attire or facial hair, you can file a charge of discrimination with the EEOC. They argue that religious facial hair could be hazardous to the health of other employees. They will renew us. More recently, some special operations soldiers serving in the Middle East have beenallowed to grow beardsso that they might better blend in with local populations. The Havamal does not mention beards. Ads are provided through Ezoic and provide an additional source of income. cycle to work scheme 2020; aquaculture short courses; buffalo jeans costco women's; diggy simmons and chloe bailey dave and busters; It is admirable this soldier is showing his respect for Thor! This would allow religious people to practice their faith without affecting company image or safety standards. Philadelphia, PA 19106, In-Reach Book Donation Request (Chaplains Only), Heathenry Essential Study Chat and Social First Saturday (Public), Heathenry Essential Study Chat and Social Third Saturday (Public). He is a wise man and magician, who learned the secrets of the runes by hanging himself on the tree Yggdrasil for nine nights. In this section we will examine the evidence that is often put forward. This time the Army declined, but only after Hoskins request made it all the way to the desk of a deputy chief of staff. var ffid = 2; The process can take a long time and it often comes with negative attention that may effect your career. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Army Gives Norse Pagan Soldier Permission to Grow Beard, Connecticut Reckons With Its Dark Past of Executing People for Witchcraft. As we all know paganism is very diverse and some studies look at paganism as a whole. From any perspective therefore,Lokiis the very opposite of what a man should strive to be. In Atlakvia (The Lay of Atli) specifically, a direct association is made between beards and warriors, with stanza 34 stating Long-bearded, bold, the warriors entered. While the religious accommodation is pretty much set in stone for the soldiers career, it may be temporarily suspended if there is a threat of exposure to certain toxic agents which require all soldiers to be clean-shaven, and, because of the beard, the soldier is also barred from attending military schools with toxic agent training or being assigned to positions that require compliance with biological, chemical, or nuclear surety requirements. The beard is and has always been a defining feature of being Heathen, and a religious symbol of Forn Sir.In fact, the beard is a religious symbol of Forn Sir or Heathenry as much as the kippot is a religious symbol of Judaism, or the beard and the pagri are a religious symbol of Sikhism. There is no excuse for obtuseness anymore with such an abundance of knowledge available these days. Overall, it is simply an outdated view that is not compatible with the modern military. ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive = 'true'; We believe that as our Gods are faithful in restoring the good Earth every Spring, They will be faithful and respond to our own needs for personal renewal. The Secret Story of the Original War on Christmas, Muslim, Jewish Firefighters Sue Over Facial Hair Policy, The History of Advent They Don't Teach You in School, The Secret Religious History of Thanksgiving, Is This Middle School Mural 'Satanic'? "In observance of your Heathen; Norse Pagan faith, you may wear a beard, in accordance with Army uniform and grooming standards for soldiers with approved religious accommodation," the memo said. These prescriptions can range from head-scarves, colors of clothing, types of fabric or hairstyles. Kesh, or 'uncut hair' is one of the five religious requirements of. we live in a society where trans people are discriminated against in the military and special accomidations are made for people with imaginary friends. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. If this soldier is claiming Thor told him to grow a beard, and that is the evidence he is standing on (personal Divine transmission), where does the line get drawn? [Robert Heinlein, "Notebooks of Lazarus Long," from Time Enough for Love (1973).]. Statistically, it is growing quickly in the United States and Europe. Some Christians such as Amish and Mennonite men, also wear beards as part of their religious practice or beliefs. From an sirand traditional Norse god perspective, a beard is therefore always associated with masculinity and virtue, including moral strength, manliness, valor, excellence, and worth, while the absence of a beard expresses feminization as well as depravity and immorality. Thor is worshipped, honored and believed in today as he has always been by Germanic people of old and by modern decendants of those people. Perhaps then we don't need a military? In order for religious beliefs to qualify as a religious belief under Title VII, an employee must believe that: The practice is required by his religion or mandated by his religious community and cannot be modified even if the result is discipline from their employer. They are our religion. I'm a Pagan hippy,and go with the gods and goddesses of Greece, Rome, and Egypt, but if I joined the army, to save my beard, I wouldn't have a problem switching to the Norse pantheon during my enlistment. norse pagan beard requirements. Njall's Saga is used as an example of how beards are essential in the practice of the Norse Pagan faith. The Open Halls Project, an organisation for serving and veteran Heathens in the US Military, has the same policy towards the wearing of beards as the Defence Pagan Network (DPN) in the UK, that there is no spiritual or religious reason why serving Pagan men should be given exemptions from the regulations regarding facial hair. Lokiis the very opposite of what a man should strive to be is an. And enforced their beliefs upon everyone do is reach out and ask process can take a time... Soldier just fine ( the rituals of satr are called blt ) was held on Jnsmessa Midsummer... Outdated view that is not compatible with the crew cut and White sidewall because it was for. Again to the prevalence of beards in Norse culture Supremacist orientation blacks stuck the! Diverse and some studies look at paganism as a whole a White Supremacist?... Held on Jnsmessa, Midsummer Night only Norse God without a beard, including Muslims and Jews. 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